my heart out to Fiona

This nearly broke my heart,but then again I realized “I should be happy” and then tears fell. I hope we have more of these kind of people especially here in the Philippines.

Dogs are not simply animals who we can easily leave and not care for. They too are living beings and with that they too deserve to live like us human beings. They too like us, need food,shelter, and comfort. They too need companions in as much as we humans need it. My heart goes out to you Fiona and the people at Hope for Paws. Keep up the great work!

Thank You for sharing this on your blog. 🙂

Strange Fruit

This just broke my heart. I’m just glad it had a happy ending…

With the recent death of Nairobi, anything animal related just sends me over the edge. Stories like these just remind me how much I love our companion animals.

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